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Hello friends, family and fellow travelers on the road called life. All of us like to map out and plan the direction our life is heading. We all know that we're not in control, but live like we are. This is the story of my rude awakening that I was not in fact in control of my life.

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with thanksgiving in my heart

Writer's picture: Lianne van IperenLianne van Iperen

Lianne's visit with oom Theo and tante Marijke

Yesterday I called Lianne. We both know you’ve been waiting for a post. Jokingly I mentioned I would give you bullet list of points and leave it at that. But I can’t, that’s not fair, or what I would like to share with you. I will do my best to share something somewhat coherent, and mostly make a minor attempt to reflect what Lianne would say...

thanksgiving dinner

It was Thanksgiving in Canada this last weekend. It’s odd to be in the Netherlands during that time and miss out on the festivities. The past few weeks I have had a song stuck in my head and it just keeps replaying. Days on end the tune repeats and I catch myself humming it too. I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His courts with praise. To be honest I am struggling in many ways right now. My heart struggles to be thankful during this time. This is a tough situation, a situation I definitely didn’t ask for, and I don’t want for anyone else either. Two weeks ago today I came back to the Netherlands and those weeks have dragged - the days been so long - and still we’re here. October. The second week of October! Lianne was hospitalized on September 8th. A month ago. The doctors didn’t think she’d really have months… And they sent her home the 22nd. And she’s still with us! All praise be to God! So for that I am thankful. We are thankful. Yesterday I was listening to a song from Shane and Shane called Though You Slay Me and shared it with Helma who posted part of a song on social media.

Though You slay me Yet I will praise You Though You take from me I will bless Your name Though You ruin me Still I will worship Sing a song to the one who's all I need

As I listened to the song I wept. I know this is what Lianne is doing. Lianne continues to praise the Lord, she continues to bless His name, and worship Him. We were chatting yesterday and through it all I hear her desire for God’s name to be exalted, hear how she praises the Lord with her patience and endurance, with her prayers and trust, with her love for others and the grace she shows to others.I am thankful, so very thankful that the Lord has Lianne and all of us, all of you in His hand. It’s hard to pray most of the time. I struggle to know what to say and then I feel the warms of God wrapped around me, holding us, and I rest in His embrace. He holds us, and leads us through this dark. He is more than I need! For that I am thankful.

dad and oom Theo

Days after Lianne came home dad’s siblings came to Canada. Dad and uncle Auke had brought Corné and Erika, Manuel, Juda, and Marieta to the airport and then dad picked up uncle Theo and tante Marijke. They arrived in the wee hours of the night, but they came! The three van Iperen siblings were reunited and spent just over a week together. Tante Marijke served many of you coffee, looked after house things, and sat by Lianne’s side during the day and during the night too. Oom Theo spent lots of time with dad and Auke outside - so many things got done around the house; there’s plenty of wood chopped, a new woodshed built, and the dogs even got a bath! They even took a day trip to the mountains and stood in awe and wonder of creation around them. Oom Theo and tante Marijke went back to the Netherlands a week ago. I have since visited with them both - they both said how good it was to be with family, to see Lianne (after 4 years!), and to meet everyone. It was good and hard. They are thankful for going. We are thankful they came!

dad and tante Marijke

the new woodshed

Auke stayed in Canada two weeks and left just before Theo and Marijke. He too spent much time with Lianne. He has been really sick himself and knows what Lianne is going through. They fought together as Lianne pretty much crushed his hands, they pled together and cried together. God blessed us with Auke’s stay and with the shared burden but more so a shared faith in the Loving Father. He’s back in Florida to warm up. So thankful for his stay too!

Lianne with Auke, Elise, and Anne Sophie

Lianne’s good friend Brooke flew in from Ontario to be with Lianne as well. Brooke and Lianne met during through church youth group, and became close friends. Lianne has gone out to visit Brooke and I when we were students in Ontario, 3 years ago Brooke got married and Lianne flew out and we had a great visit. During the sweet stay Brooke spent hours with Lianne, taking care of her, and chatting. They had deep good chats too, just like they always did… Brooke shared with me: "Even though we don’t understand what’s going on, or why it is happening we can look at this all as a tapestry. We see the back. The knots and the faded colours. One day we will see the front and marvel at God’s design!" They see God’s hand in it and could talk about it too. What a blessing to have friends like Brooke. Thankful hearts once again!

Lianne and Brooke a while back

I know that many of you have gone to visit Lianne in the last weeks. Lianne tells me that she loves it when someone comes. She’s always been the ‘more’ social one of the two and I can’t imagine having such a packed agenda as she does nowadays. All the visits she gets are so encouraging. We are thankful that you take the time in your day (or night) to spend with Lianne. It means so much to her. Helma told me that one of the days there was only one visit scheduled. When Helma told Lianne about it that day Lianne asked “only one??” She’s encouraged by your visits and loves it when you come! As family we stand amazed, by the community she has, the wonderful friends who come during the sunday worship time and spent time to worship together with Lianne. The friends who have brought us many meals. The friends who come and stay the night so mom can sleep. The friends who encourage her with prayers, with notes, with cards, with texts, with messages, with songs, with hugs. (Snailmail is hanging around her room - but is still more than welcome. Send it to PO Box 5532, Lacombe AB T4L 1X2. )We are so thankful for the way you lift her up, encourage her, and continue to walk and journey with her! Our hearts are full of thankfulness.

October 9th, drain to be placed

When Lianne left the hospital on the 22nd of September things were tough. The bed wasn’t quite right, the meds not figured out, there was lots of pain, not enough supplies, no good routine, and that made for a difficult transition. Even though Lianne was thankful to be home it was a painful time. Since then the meds have been figured out - Lianne gets quite the concoction but this way her pain is under control and managable. In FMC she ate next to nothing. Now she has somewhat of an appetite but also still experiences nausea. Mom still cooks and prepares meals to order. Such a gem! We’re thankful she is able to that! Lianne even enjoyed some of the Turkey Dinner yesterday that was so generously given to our family. We are thankful to see Lianne eating a bit more, but realize too that it is not pleasant for her to eat. Please pray that the pain and nausea that come with it goes away!

During Lianne’s time at FMC fluid was extracted from her abdomen. At that time it was 2 litres. Two weeks ago Brooke went to Red Deer hospital with Lianne and 5.5 L of fluid was taken. The first try they poked the needed in the wrong spot. A re-insert was needed which wasn’t nice but needed. We are thankful Brooke got to stay with Lianne during the procedure, as this is not usually the case. Todd was the lead tech who chatted with Lianne and Brooke and Carrie was working to make Lianne comfortable and cared for Lianne. Lianne said it felt lighter and more normal in her belly afterwards. But honestly people - imagine carrying 5L of water around your waist!! Today, Tuesday the 9th, Lianne had to be at the hospital at 7am. Emily had slept in Lianne’s room and took her to Red Deer for another drain related procedure. Mom and the girls got up at 5.30am and were out the door by 6. At 11 mom was able to pick Lianne up from the hospital, where they placed a drain for paracentesis - so that fluids can now also be drained by the homecare team. The wound hurts but we pray that it heals quickly and that it will provide comfort and relief. We’re thankful for medical staffing and procedures that are available for Lianne.

We’re thankful that Lianne is becoming more independent. I think some of the pain meds help her to be able to do more. She even finished a jigsaw puzzle! Lianne, I’ll bring some more from Holland next week!

Jan van Haasteren all the way...

Lianne’s attitude is positive. I stand amazed by her smiles. She bites her lips to not let us see the pain. Tante Marijke and oom Theo separately mentioned to me that Lianne sat at the breakfast table - tall and straight backed - and would ask them “so what’s on your agenda today”. Yesterday I was video calling with some of my cousins. She even asked them how their school day was… Last week was Kairan’s birthday, and Helma was sick so the kids were at mom and dads. They even had cake and gave him birthday gifts, and I can see how Lianne kindly shows the nephews and niece her love, celebrates with them, and keeps smiling for them. She holds on, stays strong, keeps strong. She told me the other day she’s well taken care of and thankful for all the people that come and help!

In the last few weeks Lianne has gone to the clinic where she works. Nope, she’s not working, but gets adjusted by the chiropractor in the clinic, dear Dr. Pederson! Thank you also to Carolyn who has given Lianne a massage or two in the last while. She has been so generous and you can still help out and take advantage of her generousity. Last week Carolyn shared this on her facebook page. For the week of October 8-13th 50% of all massages booked will go to Lianne van Iperen. She’s a good friend and great Massage Therapist going through a difficult & rare cancer journey (NUT Midline Carcinoma) The money is to provide her with extra comfort items💕. Book your appointment at 403-506-2408

If you want a great massage, giver her a call!

Huge shout out to Cindy and Helma who have made several trips to Red Deer and packed all Lianne’s things. Mom took a carload from the house on Friday and on Saturday dad and a bunch of Lianne’s dear friends (I am sorry I don’t know exactly who - but you know who you are!) took the rest of Lianne’s things out of her apartment. I can’t imagine what all the feelings that must have gone through your bodies, your minds, your hearts. I know this wasn’t an easy for you to do. Thank you all for helping out, and also for those providing storage for Lianne’s things at this time. We are thankful that she can live at home and for the opportunities of care it presents. However, we it is hard to say goodbye to such a lovely apartment Lianne has called home for over 2 years!

wo dear friend of ours have ran the Terry Fox Run for Lianne. When Lianne was just in the hospital we received a photo of one friend running in Central Alberta. Just a couple of weeks ago one of our friends in Ontario sent a photo too. Another friend ran the CIBC Run for the Cure. We stand amazed and are cheering from the sideline as you all are so thoughtful and kind to run for cancer. So much research is needed. The medical world is an incredible gift to us right now but we realize too that it is has its limitations. We are thankful for all the research that has happened in the past, and pray that it continues so that in the future more cures will be found.

While at FMC Lianne was presented with an option to be part of a clinical trial. Even though Lianne really wanted to be part of this trial for research and possible healing her body was too weak to even start (and go to Ottawa for it!). I talked about it with her and she mentioned to me that she wants no one to have to go through the same thing as she does, not anyone her age, or younger, or older. Not anyone. If she could be of any help by providing stats or research to the NUT Midline file she would. I know she’s included in the archive, or the recent file that opened - as there are so few cases. Lianne had a large team of professionals around her at Foothills Medical Center - young medical students who all were adding NUT to their studies. I just pray that for future NUT patients there will be more research and more facts to go off. For that we need research and that research needs money! So thanks for the generous runners, Chris, Ann, and Krystle and all the donations made to causes like Terry Fox and Run for the Cure. We and many others are thankful.

We’ve been helped in so many big and small ways. First of all we thank our Father in heaven. He is so, so good to us! He cares for our every need, for our bodies and our souls. He has called each one of us into His family and He holds us as His own. He gives us so much.

We’re incredibly thankful for the care mom and dad provide for Lianne. It seems obvious that they would and could but we are thankful that the can. Mom and dad have said to Lianne and I that we’re always welcome home but that once we’ve moved out we shouldn’t really move back… Lianne moved out in the same year as I did, 2011, and here she is, living back with mom and dad! And mom was the one who suggested it first!!! Mom is Lianne’s main caregiver. I am in the Netherlands, but talk a lot with people back home. We all see moms practical and so very thoughtful care for Lianne. She does her very best and Lianne can be a picky patient. Mom takes it with so much grace and does it so lovingly. Dad runs all over town for Lianne and would give the world to help her out! We’re thankful that dad was and is able to spend so much time with Lianne. In the Psalters sung in mom and dad’s church one of them says: the tender love a Father has, for all His children dear. Such love the Lord bestows on them, who worship Him in fear. The other day I was thinking about dad and I just know his tender and loving heart. It comes out so strong now. He’s a strong and sturdy dad, but so tender. And look how my dad reflects the love of our heavenly Father! So cool to witness this. The heavenly Father gives us a great homecare team who regularly come to help Lianne. He gives through people helping with meals, money, gardening, rides, storage, cards, emails, messages, and prayers. Mom messaged me the other day: “even in moments when we don’t expect it but it is much needed, exactly in time for tickets, groceries, meds…” Jehovah Jireh - God is our provider.

We feel the power of prayer. The community of believers world wide are gathering around, lifting us up. When we can’t pray we have those around us praying for us. And you know what, in Romans it says that when we can’t pray the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. We rejoice because the Lord pleads with us, pleads for us. There are moments when we can’t pray, when tears roll down our cheeks and our bodies shake. There are moments when we can’t pray, when our hearts sing and make melodies. There are moments when we can’t pray, when we see the sun rise or the snowflakes fall and we see God’s faithfulness. (Yes, in Alberta it is snowing again!) There are moments when we can’t pray, when we lay our burdens down and give them all to Him and fall into the promise that we will find rest in Him.

So even when it’s hard, when life is tough and when we don’t understand, we desire to give thanks. Even when we can’t pray we can give thanks. Let’s entire his gates with thanksgiving in our hearts, and enter His courts with praise.

Speak, O Lord, and renew our minds; Help us grasp the heights of Your plans for us— Truths unchanged from the dawn of time That will echo down through eternity. And by grace we’ll stand on Your promises, And by faith we’ll walk as You walk with us. Speak, O Lord, till Your church is built And the earth is filled with Your glory.”

Speak O Lord by Keith and Kristen Getty

Sorry team - no short bullet list. I pray that you are blessed today, as you read this, as you go through your daily chores, as you drive here and there, or sit in solitude. I pray that even in the storm, even when your day is tough, or you find it difficult to thank you will look to the Lord and give Him praise - in silence, in tears, or joyous melodies.

<3 Marieta.

Kairan's birthday

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